




Java Script


F a k e R e a l i t y

Javascript short for Java..javascript is a cool way to enhance you site with cool features..take alot at someone these codes ^.^

Colored Scroll bar fill in the text that says COLOR with a Css color

<style type="text/css"> body {scrollbar-face-color:COLOR; scrollbar-arrow-color:COLOR; scrollbar-track-color:COLOR; scrollbar-shadow-color:COLOR; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:COLOR; scrollbar-3dlight-color:COLOR; scrollbar-highlight-color:COLOR;} </style>

Colored Scroll bar(left)

<style type="text/css"> body {direction:rtl; scrollbar-face-color:COLOR; scrollbar-arrow-color:COLOR; scrollbar-track-color:COLOR; scrollbar-shadow-color:COLOR; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:COLOR; scrollbar-3dlight-color:COLOR; scrollbar-highlight-color:COLOR;} </style> <div style="direction:ltr;">

Blocking Right click with message

<script language="JavaScript"> function click(){if (event.button==2) {alert('Put in your own message to go along with this handy javascript code')}}document. onmousedown=click// </script>

Bookmark script This lets you bookmark the page you are on,Mostly for people with netscape

<script language="JavaScript"> var message = "LINK"; var url = "HTTP://"; var title = "SITE TITLE"; if (document.all) { document.write("<a href=\"javascript:window.external.AddFavorite(url, title)\">" + message +"</a>"); } else { document.write("Don't forget to bookmark us!"); if (document.layers) { document.write(" (Press CTRL+D)"); } } </script>

Popup message these things get really annoying..i dont really like them..Here is an example of one

It pop ups whenever you enter a page..so if you use this..try not to put it on the main page..it might bring down your ratings of your site *hint hint* <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> alert("POP-UP MESSAGE")</SCRIPT>

other links


3/25/03:I should be actually working on the site soon..my friend Maken said he would help me ^^

3/24/03:Aol is Supa gay...i hate is so much..i got knocked offline over eight times today..god help me..Who ever said aol was the easiest,#1 online service provider..was Wrong..Meh.My sister,Tia, gave me a picture of the cutest cat ever..my cat joe Ultra cute pic ^^;

2/23/03:Coolness..Spirited Away won best animated film at the Acadamy Awards..i always wanted to see that movie too..i herd it was good.

2/22/03:Yeh i am typing with arm..it stinks..i sprained my arm at a roller skating rink..psychos kept pushing me so i fell down alot..i hate Roller magic (the skating place)I never want to go there again *sobs*.This is what i posted at RR roller blading + being sick = arm in a slingLmfao..Go there to read the whole coverage on what happened to me lol

No awards -.-

Top Sites
Raise our site at the RPG Revelation top sites list!

Aww..i couldnt make any yet..If some one would help me i would gladly love that person ^-^ *hint hint*

Cool Links

Rpgrevelation Mysts Anime Home page Senshi Moonlight

If a Page in my site is messed up..or you think something might become messed up,please report this to me A.S.A.P.(As soon as possible)..Thanks a Million ^^.Also Email me your site,if you think i might like it..you never know i might put it up in the links section ^^..But link me too..it should be fair game. Chocobo3013@aol.com